środa, 14 marca 2012

Investing in silver or gold?

What better gold or silver. These metals often move in the same direction. If the risingprice of gold is usually the price of silver rises and vice versa. Distinguished by the factthat silver is rising faster than gold, but also during the declines in commodity prices, itloses in value faster than gold.

95% of the gold that has been mined is still in circulation. When it comes to the silver is 95% if not more, which has been excavated so far gone. It has been used in industry and can not be recovered. Bank around the world have stocks of gold calculated in tonnes, and have virtually no silver. Silver is much cheaper than investing in gold and silver can be made even without agreeing this with your spouse. This means that as investing in silver is a better advertised it a lot more people will be able to afford to invest in not driving the same increase in the price. Gold compared to silver has little use.
Compared to other industrial metals silver is used in many devices in such a small amount in relation to the size of the final product that is virtually impossible to retrieve it.Silver immediately after the oil is most commonly used material from approximately 10 000 different applications. With increasing technological advances will probably silver many new applications.
All metals have a sort of mechanism for controlling their costs. This mechanism consists in the fact that if the price rises quite strongly that automatically decreases the demand for this metal because when people are looking for substitutes for this metal. This mechanism does not work on the silver market, however, because it is used in a huge number of areas, but relatively small quantities, which makes it impossible to recover.The second thing is also that from there is no other metal, and similar properties in such a low price as silver. Industry has no choice but to accept the price increase. The nearest priced metal with similar properties to silver is palladium, which oz at the moment it costs almost $ 800. So I see there is the potential for higher prices of silver.
National governments in 1950 were 10 trillion ounces of silver in stock, which it has since gradually pozbywały. Today, no longer have stocks of silver at all.

Way to increase profits from investing in the Forex

Investing in forex is more widely known way to invest. Although that in itself is very innovative, there are already ways to optimize this investment. Under the proposal of one of the types of methods.

People who are interested in alternative investments, especially the Forex might be interested in an additional way to make money, when trading Forex. This applies especially to traders who like Day Trading (even scalping). Such investors typically contain a few to tens of transactions per day. Their profit / loss depends of course on the results and whether it adequately "predict" market movements. And that part does not change.
The way I have in mind, however, allows to make money on each transaction entered into by each pip 0.5 times the size of the transaction. So for long term investors who rarely contain transactions it is less important. But for investors with a shorter horizon, containing a lot of transactions it may be the way to extra income, regardless of the trading performance. It can even be viewed as a form of risk management. For example:
1) The investor trades one flight per day containing 10 transactions, gaining an average of 10 pips on each. At the end of the day the balance will therefore be:
a) of the Trade: 10 x 10 pips x $ 1 / pips = $ 100 (profit) plus
b) an additional income: 10 x 0.5 x 1 $ pip / pip = $ 5
c) Total: $ 100 + $ 5 = $ 105

2) The investor trades one flight per day containing 10 transactions. The five of them lose 10 pips and 5 gets an average of 10 pips. At the end of the day the balance will, therefore, was
a) of the Trade: (5 x (-10 pips) x 1 $ / pips) + (5 x 10pipsx1 $ / pips) = -50 $ + $ 50 = 0
d) additional income: 10 x 0.5 x 1 $ pip / pip = $ 5
b) Total: $ 0 + $ 5 = $ 5
3) The last option is of course the loss of trade. In this case, also earned money to reduce the loss, or even her "neutralize".
I think that the above examples show that this is an interesting method that supports traders in daily commerce. You may even be tempted to declare that, for very active but who are the result of the trade circle "0" can become a major source of earning. Of course, this extreme, but ... It is certainly possible and very real.

What you need to be able to make money in this way?
1) First open an account with us, which allows a profit.
2) Open an account to trade forex from brokers working with this company (or assign already have an account to trade in this business) - I will add that these are the major and well-known brokers in the market.
3) Open the account Trader udostępniającego other signals (by the way others can also assign to your account - then in proportion to the amount of remuneration from the trade is growing :)
4) Assign your Account Trader signals to your real trading transactions by allowing the signals sent from the account Trader.
5) Execution of transactions through their account trader, instead of directly into your account to trade LIVE.
This is the principle of action. For each transaction included in the account Trader gets real wages in the form of 0.5 pips x the size of the transaction. Thus, if an investor will devote some time and effort to open an account and set up properly, then each transaction will be getting additional money. Based on experience I believe that the investment in the range 1000 - 1500 zł may be above 300zł/miesięcznie. However, this depends only on the skills and commitment of the Investor / Trader trader.

5 common mistakes made when investing in real estate

If you're going to invest in property or already do, but you go on it as I imagined it, thenyou certainly captured my article. It will present you five very common mistakes thatinvestors make. Their knowledge will allow all investors to apply even greater success.

Let's see what we know and what to avoid when investing in real estate:
First No strategy - often investors do not have a clearly defined investment strategy and exit strategy. Investing in too many different sites (abroad, various types of housing) and thus complicate the whole job. It is early to determine what types of properties you are interested and we mostly stick to it. Together to experience one can try to extend its strategy with new elements. No exit strategy is also a big mistake. It can create one in which cases we will give up the property. It may happen so that some other opportunity will be more profitable and it would be worthwhile to use it, instead of keeping the funds frozen in the past, less profitable investments.
Second Not paying attention to the location - a common mistake investors are buying homes where it's cheaper, not better, where you can earn. Deciding on a particular location should take into account many factors. First of all, the area must be safe, neat, growing up (some new buildings, improvements, means of transport). People need to want to live there. The greater the demand, the better prospects for earnings. This will cause property values ​​will grow at a good pace and even hire should be more profitable.

Third No counting other costs when analyzing the cost-effectiveness - the purchase, renovation, furniture, all kinds of fees must be taken into uwgę in assessing the property.You can not make any profit by calculating it based on only the purchase price.Remember that all fees associated with owning and maintaining the property will determine profitability. Cash flow, the so-called cash flow must be positive.
4th Buy in the sale price and hope for growth - anticipate no future, so there can be no assurance that the price of housing will grow. The investor should earn at the time of purchase rather than wait for future growth. Therefore it is important to buy apartments below market value. This may seem difficult, because who would want to do that, but there are people who have to sell and it is best to buy from them. Interested in the subject article recommend investing in real estate below market value.
5th Do not get caught on the discounts offered by developers-zZawsze check on how many are sold similar homes in the area. The department is like all other products, often inflate the price of that later spóścić 10-15%. You might think that you are doing good business and you're buying in a normal market price. When the discount is 30-40% is already evident that the opportunity is probably because the apartment must be sold.Always, however, must be mainly guided by profit, which will be achieved at a given price. Better yet have a 10% profit on flat bought with a 5% discount, 5% profit on 10% of the reduced flat.

7 golden rules of wealth

You have not enough money? Most people have them less than they would have wished.But the more you have, the bigger your plans and you feel that you have less and less money.

Regardless of whether you have a lot of money or so in time you must arrange for their money. You need to take care of its revenues, expenses, savings and investments.

7 golden rules of wealth:

First Always have several sources of income. Never allow a situation to have only one source of income.

Second As soon as you start to work and regularly set aside a certain amount of money. I always can happen to any contingency or the occasions on how to make money. So it's always worth to have set aside a certain amount of cash.

Third I always worry about their money in person. Never let the fact that a person had an opportunity to invest your money without your consent and acknowledgment. Do not allowit even to his wife or husband. Especially if you do not know what they are investing. Loveand money are two different things.

4th Distinguish between spending on investments. Simply saying that spending moneythrown out the window, do not expect any profit on them. On the other hand, investment is something that should bring you money. The only questions that you should ask yourselfwhether you could afford the investment in question, should you invest now, as you can to make money and how quickly.

5th Keep your expenses to a minimum no matter how much you earn.

6th Avoid loans. Never borrow on the basis that you give it to future payments.

7th You should always make more money than you spend. If you spend more than you earn then you need to reduce expenditure to a level where they will be outweighed by theincome.

Alternative investments - invest in a wine or a work of art!

You saved some money and do not know where to invest to reach big profits with little risk? Try alternative investments?

The recent financial crisis, and at once a more unstable situation in the euro area, makefinancial investments are extremely risky. Ordinary banks provide loans on very liberalterms, and this could put our savings invested in investment funds. One, it seems a safe source of income is a term deposit. Unfortunately this is a very inefficient way to makeand only a few banks offer tempting oprocenotwanie real, which would be substantially higher than inflation.
It encourages all alternative investments, which include investments in wine, art andcollectibles. Such investments involve any very small risk. The wine the older the better, and consequently - more expensive. If you will purchase a good grade of wine anddecide to sell it for 4 - 5 years, we can gain up to about 40% return on the invested sum.
The same is true of works of art. A good image can be achieved at auction exorbitantamount, but only if he gains recognition among critics. So if we have a trained eye and know the art well enough to evaluate the potential of the work should not hesitate. Can beequally valuable collections, such as coins. Lovers of such sets are willing to pay up toten times their value. The only condition - to track trends in numismatics and be the first in the queue, when the limited edition coins are issued by the mint.

9 secrets to be rich

Many people have observed that "success leaves traces." If you want to achieve above average success, przyglądnij to those who have achieved it. Do what they did. Only slightly modify their techniques to fit it to your situation.

There are some fundamental principles for which we have to remember on our way to wealth:

First Focus on your values.
Start by writing down your values ​​and priorities. Save the things that you want to be in such a way as if they were your own. Write them in present tense, and instigate the feeling of gratitude for them.

Second Have an interesting life.
Before you find a method of how to earn money and get rich you have to do for him a place in your life. Any attempt to "push" wealth, success and fame in the dull life does not work. Keep valuable lives, and money will come.

Third Organize your life.
Attempts to achieve success and gain riches will fail unless your life is one big mess.Success requires precise definition of what you want and get involved in doing this.Order in your life all the things that distract you.

4th Refine your goal.
Nobody is able to reach the goal, if it does not see. Designate more realistic to achieve the "rungs" followed by "climbing" will lead you to your main goal. You have to know what exactly you want to achieve and what do you turn to do this.

5th "Burn the bridges behind them"
Quite well known is the story of one of the ancient Greek generals. The General is the dopłynięciu with his army to the shores of enemy land burned his ships. He wanted to make it clear that the retreat and defeat did not come into play. Do not leave any room for failure.

6th Give more than you get.
No one in the long run will not pay for your services more than they're worth. No one can make fun a long time in the bottle. Your services must be much more valuable than they paid for them are downloading. Some people will use it, while others will make you rich.

7th Live at levels lower than you could afford it.
Rich people know this. Wealth is accumulated, reinvested and used wisely. Never it may not be issued. Let the athletes and the people who win the lottery, spending their money on expensive cars and jewelry. If you want to get rich not spend all their money just invest wisely and enjoy the process.

8th Grow Rich Slowly.
The key to becoming rich is to minimize the ratio of operating income for full-time income from assets. Income from salaried employment is taxed. This revenue is issued - just think of all those expensive cars, yachts, diamonds bought by people receiving a large income from salaried work. Invest in assets that you can not so easily cash in on impulse.Build wealth, which is not taxed, and which can not be easily encashed on impulse.

9th Pay high taxes
I do not mean here, you pay more than you should. But the pay off every penny everything required by law. If you can legally avoid taxes, so do it. Use the law to your advantage when you can. The use of creative accounting, to save a few pounds is not the best idea.This wastes your time and energy, causing anxiety, that are caught. It is not worth it.

Investing in whiskey

In the modern world in which popular culture rules, people want to feel special, also as consumers. Western culture promotes individualism, which for some time been relegatedto the sidelines. What was once fashionable, now obsolete, even in the field of alcohol.

In this fashion definitely benefit the producers of whiskey, which is a good alternative to pure vodka. Special interest of the buyers has a scotch whiskey, which is considered the best in the world, also thanks to a long tradition of amber liquor in this country. In the 60 century there has nearly 140 distilleries, many of which, however, failed. These small not withstand the competition and the globalization of tastes and lost the battle with the already dominant corporations. But left behind many barrels full of whiskey, which with each passing day increase in value.
At this point, the action includes investors who buy the remaining bottles and barrels.Then they are insured up to the level of their market value and stored in special warehouses. Investments typically involve single malt Scotch, whose recipes are usually a mystery company, and every region of Scotland, it produces a slightly different way.The production process is very similar, but with the above-mentioned elements bottle each feature a slightly different aromas and flavors. On this basis, the greatest connoisseur can distinguish the species from which region it comes from. The more or less perceptible are notes of vanilla, flowers, fruit, orange peel, sherry, star anise, peppermint, spicy tofu, and the smell of burning.
The value of whiskey is determined not only by the values ​​of taste and aroma, but also the packaging. Above the label for the best species to work very often designers. For example, the label for Chivas took a French fashion designer and manufacturer of perfume by Christian Lacroix. Limited editions are a windfall for collectors, for the price of which recedes into the background when confronted with a desire to a bottle. Anyone who invests in unique and one of a kind product can be a profit, both in the field of alcohol, as well as any other.

The floral business

Reflecting on the foundation of your business we need to do market research, looking atwhat products or services are likely to sell, on what will be in demand.

At the same time, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses we need to determine whattalents and material resources so we have to set up a company was at all possible.

The easiest way to start a business is making on his passion, but not everyone is so lucky in life, or whether such a determination. Blame errors are forcing us into thinkingpatterns and subconsciously remind that the "game" you can not earn. Meanwhile, there is no more wrong statement - this is our hobby and our passion is a great idea for a business, because we are able to devote himself entirely to them and give them yourheart.

Grateful (and smelling) business idea is to use our love for flowers, hair care and styling.With this type of passion we have a wide range of possibilities, because we can focus on the idea of his shop (although rarely last florists sell only flowers), flowers arrangedprofessionally by engaging in floristry, or go a step further and take care of arrangingbouquets of flowers that match the decor of interior.

The current boom in the modern, stylish and tastefully designed apartment is in line withmarket dekoratorskim, so it seems that the floral designer-decorator should be provided with the order throughout the year. But if we want to secure liquidity, reduce the effects of the crisis, it seems a good idea to diversify activities, or a combination of severalbranches into one.

With florists we also offer delivery of flowers to the house, do bouquets, and after hours, on an individual order - floral design of the interior. In our offer you can also finddecorating the halls for events and, for example, cleaning graves and comprehensivecare for them.

Making Money on the Internet - web development

One effective way to make money online is to create websites to monetize traffic to your site later. This method is not complicated, requires creating bases in the area of ​​the Internet, must feel at ease on the internet and think like a surfer.

The process of creating web pages, in order to make them look something like this ...
At the beginning we find a good graphic template for your site. It should be related to the subject site. For example, if you create a page about animals, will be hosted there, let the colors associated with the countryside, the logo should refer to the animals.
The second step leading to the launch site to prepare fact sheets. This is the normal articles relating to the subject. Here you have a wide range of possibilities. Articles should be over 1000 characters, should be about 4-5, this is the optimum minimum of this type of site.
As you might guess, at this point we connect with teksami template. Check to see if there are no errors, you should pamper party of the smallest details. It is worth to consider the insertion of H tags (h1, h2, h3, etc.) and key words bold.
This page is prepared for making. Now, place ads like Google Adsense, the most profitable method. The market also offers from the companies that report back to us in the model CPM (pay per 1000 impressions). We, however, we focus on the CPC or the payment for each click on your ad.
Making Money on the Internet in this way is not difficult, but requires a good place advertisements from this factor depends on our future earnings from the site. It is worth to sit down and consider what will be the most optimal place for ads. For each template is a personal web site, everything depends on the color, font type and overall spacing of the elements.
Entice readers to our site, we can in several ways. One is the process of positioning the exact phrase in Google, that is ... Of hamsters running service, you want your page by typing "hamster" was on the high deposit in the search, with links to the anchor "hamsters". Depending on the competition and the kind of phrase, not always in a short time, you can position the on every phrase.
You can also link podsyłać friends via social media or various types AIM instant messaging, or oxygen. If you write a lot of e-mail, you can use them in this way to advertise your site.