środa, 14 marca 2012

Alternative investments - invest in a wine or a work of art!

You saved some money and do not know where to invest to reach big profits with little risk? Try alternative investments?

The recent financial crisis, and at once a more unstable situation in the euro area, makefinancial investments are extremely risky. Ordinary banks provide loans on very liberalterms, and this could put our savings invested in investment funds. One, it seems a safe source of income is a term deposit. Unfortunately this is a very inefficient way to makeand only a few banks offer tempting oprocenotwanie real, which would be substantially higher than inflation.
It encourages all alternative investments, which include investments in wine, art andcollectibles. Such investments involve any very small risk. The wine the older the better, and consequently - more expensive. If you will purchase a good grade of wine anddecide to sell it for 4 - 5 years, we can gain up to about 40% return on the invested sum.
The same is true of works of art. A good image can be achieved at auction exorbitantamount, but only if he gains recognition among critics. So if we have a trained eye and know the art well enough to evaluate the potential of the work should not hesitate. Can beequally valuable collections, such as coins. Lovers of such sets are willing to pay up toten times their value. The only condition - to track trends in numismatics and be the first in the queue, when the limited edition coins are issued by the mint.

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