środa, 14 marca 2012

As in the three steps to lose a customer?

The owners of many companies complain about a friend, that even the most brilliant ideas for the business they have, can not wait for delivery. They report that the ambitious plans are typically torpedoed by difficult customers, who have no understanding for the business owner and his ideas.

But is it really is not that the way the initial businessman always become a hell, customers who want to destroy it? Often it turns out that it is different, and guilty of failure is not a potential customer, but the person who tries to offer him a specific good or service.Customer relationships are not easy, so you need to know, what mistakes should be avoided.
No contact!The greatest mistake one can make in customer relations is the lack of contact with him, and though it sounds pretty crazy, is not at all rare mistake made. Customer likes to take in the belief that our most important partner and I do not mind him knowing that it is not necessarily true. Nothing therefore can not annoy him more than to ignore his phone calls, lack of respect for his time replying to emails with a long delay, and "forgetting" a prearranged meeting. It is worth remembering, moreover, and the fact that in the early twenty-first century consumers are more impatient than was the case so far, so sometimes even a tiny little sign of the fact that the client can ignore the potential lead to the fact that it will lose.
Frivolous treatment of the customer!Avoiding contact with the customer can be forgiven only if the same task, which has been planning for this will be done as it should. A much more serious consequences as a frivolous treatment of the customer and giving him thereby to understand that its importance for the company is minimal. Many entrepreneurs admit to the fact that he does not like to talk to principals of small obstacles and setbacks. They think that the omission of difficulty and quickly fix mistakes is a much smarter move than to provide accurate information, which put the company in not the very best light. Unfortunately, the lie has very short legs, a client that your partner will sense insincerity usually decides about the imminent end of cooperation. The Principal has the right to know how to work on moving product or service, which is waiting, and to the professional to respect this right.
Too high prices!No respect for the customer is the easiest way to lose principal, however, and so happens that the company approaches its partners very professional, but almost from month to month has fewer and fewer. Theoretically, it seems impossible, but the practice confirms that we are talking about the phenomenon as the most feasible. They are responsible for not mainly too high prices, few things annoy the customer for as much as artificially drive up the value of goods and services. Raising prices is a very common mistake new businesses, their owners because it seems that the effect of this type will allow companies to quickly bounce back from the bottom. Unfortunately, the end result is usually counterproductive, because the company gets a bad name, and restore consumer confidence seems almost impossible.

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